Monday, November 10, 2014

1.  Why will Manchin's role change in 2015          turning to a democrate

2.  What is currently the most important legislation that Manchin is working on? gun control

Thursday, November 6, 2014

 i think Abortion is the biggest problem in america. and i dont think it is right i think if you can spread you legs to make it then you can raise it. not kill it and i think the doctors and the mothers doing it should be put in prison for murder. 

 i also think Death Penalty is another problem i think people that deserve it like murders, rapist, and people like that should get it. but i also think that people that dont deserve it shouldn't get it like druggie, robbery people and stuff of that nature.

and i also think the Cost of colleges is way to high. i mean like if you want to go but cant get enough money then the school should help you get in it. but the people that are just gonna go and goof off in the school shouldn't get to go to it.

and next to last Aid for natural disasters  i think the government should help you when the power goes out. not jack up the prices. and i mean most people put there last little bit of money in to that food and then the power goes out and then they are left with nothing.
 and last Overcrowding of jails in America i think they should let the people that  try to do good like the drugs and the people that don't deserve to be in there out. and keep the people that to in there to rot.

and i would be a democrat. cause i would want to change the way people. act and do stuff. and how poor some people are. and help the homeless.

11/6 bellringer

1.  Read the article above.  

2.  What do you think about WV making history for having the youngest lawmaker?  i dont think they should have let her in cause she dont know what life is yet.

3.  Do you feel that her being young will help or hinder (or both) her effectiveness in the legislature.  Defend your answer in 3-4 sentences.  it will hinder cause she dont know what life is. and she dont know how to mannage money. but there is one good thing it is that she knows how the students are treated.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


kids cant get medicines, air pollution, animal abuse, transportation, recycling

i voted for the guy cause he will lower medicine expenses. and take cure of population. and take cure of the abused animals and fix the roads.


Summarize the results and the voter turn out.  it was mainly the same people.

Were more winners democratic or republican?  there was 2 democratic and 2 republican and 1 was independent 

Were more male or female?  mainly males

Were there more incumbents that won or not?  yea 

Answer why are elections important?  so we have the right to get who we want

Why do we have elections?  so its fair to who we want 

Why do you think it is important to vote? so we can get who we want 

Thursday, October 30, 2014


1.  Summarize the article 
its about who all is running for stuff and bout Obama's  war on coal  

2.  Do you agree or disagree with the article? i disargree cuz i think they all lie to get in to the house and i dont like em.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

bellringer 10/29

1.  How does this support your defense for the debate on Friday? cuz its about a death penalty.  

2.  Do you believe that the court was correct in this instance? yes i do believe he should be killed cuz he raped a girl

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

10/28/14 bellringer

its about laws that are stupid. and pointless but i do like the one bout wv.

Monday, October 27, 2014

10/27 bellringer

  1.   Why are the seeking  the death penalty? cuz the let over 300 people and kids die in the furry that he was the captain of.
        2.  Do you agree or disagree with them seeking the death penalty? no i dont think he should be killed cuz they knew what could of haved.

         3.  Do you believe that the dealth penalty should be allowed at all?  Defend your answer in 2-3                  sentences. i think it should be for curten people. some people like  child molesters, rapist, murders should be killed. but people like druggies  and drinking and driving should live. and it just depends on if u really did kill people.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Name of President: William Jefferson  "bill" Clinton 
Number of Presidency:_______42th_____________________
Years in Office: ________7__________________________
In the following ten categories, grade your president from an A to an F. (You may “acknowledge” border-line grades with a – or a +).  You will need to give a 50 word justification as to why your candidate scored as they did. 
Ability to handle and deal with a crisis
he did good he was there to comfort family's 
Ability to work with Congress and Cabinet
good cuz he told em what to do and they did em
Character and Integrity

he had a real good character and had a good additude 
Clinton's Goals 2000 program distributed two billion dollars between 1994 and 1999 to set uniform standards in US schools. His 1994 Improving America's School Act (IASA) received support from Republicans and Democrats and from the education and business communities. IASA required that standards and accountability be the same for economically disadvantaged students as for other students. 

Foreign Policy
Clinton played an instrumental role in the peace process in Northern Ireland, which culminated in the 1998 Good Friday Agreement. He helped to get former Soviet nations to give up their nuclear arsenals and improve their control of nuclear materials. Clinton worked with NATO, a military alliance between Europe and North America, to bomb Serbia to end Slobodan Milosevic's ethnic cleansing campaign. Clinton then sent 20,000 American troops to enforce peace in the region, a mission with no American casualties.  He nearly orchestrated a historic Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement at Camp David in 2001.
Relates to the common man
he treated all men and women the same 
he was good at persuasive cuz he made you do it 
Political Experience
good cuz he went to law school and he probly leared bout them
Public speaking & Communication
he was great at public speeches 

bellringer 10/17

1.  Write a summary.

2.  Are you surprised that our health care system was ill equipped to handle this situation. yes i am 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


 their saying that colleges should look at stem jobs


1.  What is the focus of Spurlock's short films? his focus was on the goverment 

2.  Where is Spurlock originally from? parkersbugh wv

Friday, October 10, 2014


Do you agree or disagree that the woman in this article should be able to take her own life?  Explain your answer.yeas i think she should be aloud cause its her body 

How do you differentiate between suicide and euthanasia? 

How would you feel if you were the woman in this situation? i would blow my brains out 

Thursday, October 9, 2014


1.  What does this say about the economy of various regions?

2.  If given to you, would you eat the burger?  why/why not?no i wouldn't cause it looks like crap and i don't like all of the stuff on it 


 Are you surprised by the findings? Why or Why not? no im not cause most manager are perverted 

3.  How do you feel this issue should be addressed? the management should be fired and sued 

4.  How should legislation be handled to deal with this? take his business license away 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

10/2 bellringer

1.  Why do many experts believe that ebola is not a worry in the US?

2.  What diseases do they believe Americans should worry about?  Are these preventable?

3.  What personal concerns do you have

Monday, September 29, 2014

bellringer 9/26

1.  Why are they protesting? cause they are shutting down instagram
2.  What rights are they wanting that we may take for granted each day?social media 

Friday, September 26, 2014

bellringer 926

1.  What does the low percentage of adults in WV with a bachelors degree (4 year degree) indicate to you? it indicates that we dont like college and not smart enough to do it.

2.  Why do you think the percentage is so low? cuz the people dont want to pay attention and do there work.

3.  List one possible solution to increasing the number of college graduates in WV. make it easier for the people and help em though it 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

bellringer 9/25

1.  What point did the president attempt to make. no more fighting between country's

2.  Rate how effective you believe he was in persuading other nations to help. 6

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

bellringer 9/24

1.  Do you agree with the new policy? no i do cause i think its up to you if you want to kill your self not the health department 
2. How might this policy affect businesses? it will make tobacco outlets not get any money 

bellringer 9/23

1.  Why is it important to have Arab allies for this mission?so they can blend in with the other ones 
2.  How do you anticipate Syria will react? i think they will go stupid 

Monday, September 22, 2014

bellringer 9/22

1.  Do you believe 16 year olds have the maturity to vote? Why? no they don't cuz they don't know how bad they can skew the us up 

2.  When should people be able to vote? at least 21 years old in my book but im not gonna vote they all are lairs to get in to the big house

Friday, September 19, 2014

bellringer 9/19

Do the actions of the French help or hamper US efforts? no it don't help cause we are trying to stop war and they cause another one 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

bellringer 9/16

1.  What is reasonable punishment. smack to the rear end with your hand 

2.  How have views on discipline changed over past twenty years? well back then u could whip a kids butt and it be fine now you do it you have cps and the cops on you but if you don't do it then you'll have misbehaved kid that will end up on drugs of on the streets thats the way i look at it 

Monday, September 15, 2014

bellringer 9/15

its bout a girl named  Autumn Pasquale that was killed and her family adored her and loved her and she played sports and won troffies

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

9/9 bellringer

1.  Are you surprised by the desperate plea of restaurants for business? no im not
2.  How would or will this affect the American Society? every one 
3.  Does a business' need for profits trump the over all health of Americans?  no they dont 
4.  If you could eat at any restaurant for seven weeks for $100 what would the restaurant be and what would you choose for the meal? it would be Texas road house and it would be stake dinner 

Monday, September 8, 2014

9/8 bellringer

this guy named fred myer was a spy for the American OSS in 1945.

9/5 bellringer

1.  What dangers do fake towers pose to average citizens? it will cause them to drop calls.

2.  Why would they be located near military bases? so no one can mess with it 

3.  Do you believe the US government may be behind the towers?  why/why not? yes i do think they are so they can see how the world is with out phones.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

bellringer 9/4

1.  What impact will this have on India? it will hurt a lot of people

2.  Why are they targeting India? cause the are the blame of stuff.

3.  How should the US react to this? i don't know

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

bellringer 9/2

2.  Are you surprised something like this could happen?no im not 
3.  Do you think before you post and worry about who can see what you send? yes i think that you should think before you post it.
4.  Do you think the people should be prosecuted who hacked into the cloud? yes they she be 

bellringer 9/3

1.  Summarize what Rick Perry is accused of doing. she was accused of drinking and driving with the blood alcohol level 0.239. and had to spend jail time and used money to get out.
2.  Do you agree or disagree with his reasoning? no i do i think he should have to do it with no bail

Friday, August 29, 2014

bellringer 8/29

1.  Who is to blame for this accident?  the instructor

2.  Should nine year old children be able to shoot guns at a rifle range? no they shouldn't

 3.  Do you feel that  uzis and other automatic weapons ever belong in the hands of children? no not in a kids hands
  Or in the hands of any human as a matter of fact?  yea i do think it is OK unless u don't know how to use the thing.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

bellringer 8/26

Obama declared airstrike on Syria. and every one is running away. and the r beginning surveillance

Monday, August 25, 2014

bellringer 8/25

1.  Write a paragraph summary of the article. 
there was a earthquake that destoryed the napa county

2.  Research the cause of this particular quake and write a brief summary.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Assignment 8/22/14

       I believe that three biggest problems are economy, drugs, lack of exercise. Are the biggest problems in the U.S.  And I think that congress should do something bout them.

        Economy is on this list because, the people in it don't do the rules. And when the don't then every one get mad and start shooting or stabbing people. Obey the law and you'll be fine.

        Drugs are on the list because, people use and abuse them. And when they run out they and up killing people of them. And it don't help with them making it legal to do them. Don't legalize them and people will stop killing each other.
        And lack of exercise is on the list because no one wants to do any think. And them making everything on electronic is a big reason why people don't to any thing. And they can stop this by making people do some labor. 

       And that is what I think bout the three biggest problems in the U.S. today. And I think it all is cause no one wants to do any thing.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

bellringer 8/21/14

1.  Do you think the challenge is good or bad for ALS?  i think its good cuz they get money for charity.

2.  So you believe it has been effective or is "people pouring cold water over their heads" just a way for people not to give money to charities?   i think it is effective in a way but in another i don't think it is.

What do you feel would make this challenge better of anything? Make it more water 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


1.  Summarize the article in a paragraph.
         this woman is complaining bout taxes. and they wont drop them lower. and she think there shouldn't be any. but congress wont change it for no one. 

2.  What is the purpose of taxes? to pay the goverment.

3.  Who should pay the most taxes? congress

letter to my self where do i see myself in august 18, 2015

       Dear Corey,

              Where do I see myself in a year. I see myself with my fiance Sabrina I have be with her for two years in September 26,2012. We plan on getting married in 2015 think. I love her with all of my hart. And she will be moved in with me and out of her nut house where she lives.

             And I'll be a certified automotive mechanic.And I talked to Elkins ford-land. They said that if I have my own hand tools then they will give me a job. I'll be making $13.50 and hour. So i hope to be there. And I'm thinking bout going back to tri-county and be coming a certified deasle mechanic.

            I'm gonna get in to doing the demolition derby's I'm doing the Barbour county fair this year. And this is my first year ever doing the derby. And I plan on having a house moved om the farm I live on. And having a truck and Sabrina a car. Hopefully I'll have a good paying job. 

          And hopefully Ill have a diploma from high school. And I might have a kid but I don't know bout that yet. And I'll help my mom and dad around. And I'm thinking bout getting a older car and rebuilding it from the wheels to the roof with my dad. then enter it into the car shows. So theirs what I'm going to do with my life but hopefully  I can handle it mite be to much for me.


                                                                                                           COREY BODKINS 8/20/14