Friday, August 29, 2014

bellringer 8/29

1.  Who is to blame for this accident?  the instructor

2.  Should nine year old children be able to shoot guns at a rifle range? no they shouldn't

 3.  Do you feel that  uzis and other automatic weapons ever belong in the hands of children? no not in a kids hands
  Or in the hands of any human as a matter of fact?  yea i do think it is OK unless u don't know how to use the thing.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

bellringer 8/26

Obama declared airstrike on Syria. and every one is running away. and the r beginning surveillance

Monday, August 25, 2014

bellringer 8/25

1.  Write a paragraph summary of the article. 
there was a earthquake that destoryed the napa county

2.  Research the cause of this particular quake and write a brief summary.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Assignment 8/22/14

       I believe that three biggest problems are economy, drugs, lack of exercise. Are the biggest problems in the U.S.  And I think that congress should do something bout them.

        Economy is on this list because, the people in it don't do the rules. And when the don't then every one get mad and start shooting or stabbing people. Obey the law and you'll be fine.

        Drugs are on the list because, people use and abuse them. And when they run out they and up killing people of them. And it don't help with them making it legal to do them. Don't legalize them and people will stop killing each other.
        And lack of exercise is on the list because no one wants to do any think. And them making everything on electronic is a big reason why people don't to any thing. And they can stop this by making people do some labor. 

       And that is what I think bout the three biggest problems in the U.S. today. And I think it all is cause no one wants to do any thing.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

bellringer 8/21/14

1.  Do you think the challenge is good or bad for ALS?  i think its good cuz they get money for charity.

2.  So you believe it has been effective or is "people pouring cold water over their heads" just a way for people not to give money to charities?   i think it is effective in a way but in another i don't think it is.

What do you feel would make this challenge better of anything? Make it more water 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


1.  Summarize the article in a paragraph.
         this woman is complaining bout taxes. and they wont drop them lower. and she think there shouldn't be any. but congress wont change it for no one. 

2.  What is the purpose of taxes? to pay the goverment.

3.  Who should pay the most taxes? congress

letter to my self where do i see myself in august 18, 2015

       Dear Corey,

              Where do I see myself in a year. I see myself with my fiance Sabrina I have be with her for two years in September 26,2012. We plan on getting married in 2015 think. I love her with all of my hart. And she will be moved in with me and out of her nut house where she lives.

             And I'll be a certified automotive mechanic.And I talked to Elkins ford-land. They said that if I have my own hand tools then they will give me a job. I'll be making $13.50 and hour. So i hope to be there. And I'm thinking bout going back to tri-county and be coming a certified deasle mechanic.

            I'm gonna get in to doing the demolition derby's I'm doing the Barbour county fair this year. And this is my first year ever doing the derby. And I plan on having a house moved om the farm I live on. And having a truck and Sabrina a car. Hopefully I'll have a good paying job. 

          And hopefully Ill have a diploma from high school. And I might have a kid but I don't know bout that yet. And I'll help my mom and dad around. And I'm thinking bout getting a older car and rebuilding it from the wheels to the roof with my dad. then enter it into the car shows. So theirs what I'm going to do with my life but hopefully  I can handle it mite be to much for me.


                                                                                                           COREY BODKINS 8/20/14