Monday, November 10, 2014

1.  Why will Manchin's role change in 2015          turning to a democrate

2.  What is currently the most important legislation that Manchin is working on? gun control

Thursday, November 6, 2014

 i think Abortion is the biggest problem in america. and i dont think it is right i think if you can spread you legs to make it then you can raise it. not kill it and i think the doctors and the mothers doing it should be put in prison for murder. 

 i also think Death Penalty is another problem i think people that deserve it like murders, rapist, and people like that should get it. but i also think that people that dont deserve it shouldn't get it like druggie, robbery people and stuff of that nature.

and i also think the Cost of colleges is way to high. i mean like if you want to go but cant get enough money then the school should help you get in it. but the people that are just gonna go and goof off in the school shouldn't get to go to it.

and next to last Aid for natural disasters  i think the government should help you when the power goes out. not jack up the prices. and i mean most people put there last little bit of money in to that food and then the power goes out and then they are left with nothing.
 and last Overcrowding of jails in America i think they should let the people that  try to do good like the drugs and the people that don't deserve to be in there out. and keep the people that to in there to rot.

and i would be a democrat. cause i would want to change the way people. act and do stuff. and how poor some people are. and help the homeless.

11/6 bellringer

1.  Read the article above.  

2.  What do you think about WV making history for having the youngest lawmaker?  i dont think they should have let her in cause she dont know what life is yet.

3.  Do you feel that her being young will help or hinder (or both) her effectiveness in the legislature.  Defend your answer in 3-4 sentences.  it will hinder cause she dont know what life is. and she dont know how to mannage money. but there is one good thing it is that she knows how the students are treated.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


kids cant get medicines, air pollution, animal abuse, transportation, recycling

i voted for the guy cause he will lower medicine expenses. and take cure of population. and take cure of the abused animals and fix the roads.


Summarize the results and the voter turn out.  it was mainly the same people.

Were more winners democratic or republican?  there was 2 democratic and 2 republican and 1 was independent 

Were more male or female?  mainly males

Were there more incumbents that won or not?  yea 

Answer why are elections important?  so we have the right to get who we want

Why do we have elections?  so its fair to who we want 

Why do you think it is important to vote? so we can get who we want